The Ashton Cigar company has become internationally recognized and respected for its commitment to excellence in manufacturing some of the finest cigars and ashtrays. The Ashton Ceramic Four Cigar Rest Ashtray is no exception to the lineup. It is beautifully crafted starting from its deep bowl ash collector, to its four cigar rest holder indentations. This ashtray is capable of handling even the largest cigars in your humidors repertoire.
With its high glossy finish, your cigar ashes will slide right off and out this beauty for an easy cleanup experience. Don’t let the size of this ashtray fool you either, the Ashton Ashtray is a lightweight ceramic material. Total weight of this Ashton is less than 2lbs. Therefore carrying it around to the trash can for an easy cleanup is no hassle. On the underside of the bowl there are three soft styrofoam studs to keep your table scratch free. No more scuff marks on your tables with an Ashton Ashtray.
Around the bowls exterior is the wonderfully hallmarked ‘ASHTON’ name which is filled in with a copper metal finish to give it a high quality look. Also around the ring you will find the Ashton Diamond Crown stamp in the same copper metal finish, just to let you know you have a high quality Ashton Ashtray. Both emblems wrap around this ashtray on opposite sides, making this Ashton Ashtray a wonderful addition to your smoke room and a long lasting piece for years to come.