Cohiba Clubs are an excellent cigar for those with little time on their hands to enjoy a puff of Cuban magic. A full cigar with a flavour which has the greatest presitge in the world of tobacco -machine rolled in Cuba. The leaves used for the tobacco are taken from the same plants which are harvested for world famous premium hand made Havana cigars. These plants are grown in the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, and area located west of the island, which is widely regarded as the finest tobacco growing land in the world.
Flavour: Medium
Length: 3 1/4″
Ring Gauge: 22
Filler: 100% Cuban Tobacco
Packaging: Pack of 5 x 20=100
Length: 3 1/4″
Ring Gauge: 22
Filler: 100% Cuban Tobacco
Packaging: Pack of 5 x 20=100
A great cigarillo that packs some delicious flavors in a 20 minutes smoke
- • Medium bodied but creamy flavors
- • Nice peppery notes with some pleasant sweetness.
An amazing short smoke that will delight both novices and seasoned smokers
The Cohiba Club White comes in 5 packs of 20 cigars
Length: 96.5 mm (3.75 inches)
Ring Gauge: 22
Mini Panetela
Smoking time: 10 – 20 minutes