Cohiba C8 Cigars are the once-in-a-lifetime smoke that must be tasted to be believed, imbuing its tobacco with miraculous levels of luxury flavors. The tobacconists at Cohiba went beyond the pale with the C8, pulling out all the stops to build the ultimate cigar. Cradled in an Ecuadorian Sumatran wrapper, held with a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, the real star of the show is its blend. Crafted from Dominican Piloto Cubano from 1995, Honduran Olancho San Agustin from 2002, Honduran La Entrada from 2011, Nicaraguan Esteli from 2011 and 2014, and Honduran Jamastran from 2014. Each leaf was hand-selected and aged in tercios made from Royal Palm bark, before being finished Spanish sherry casks, It all comes together to enhance the natural sweetness to a point beyond flawlessness. Lighting it up brings the heavenly tastes of hardy earthy, creamy nuts, and crisp wooden notes all tinged with sweetness and a finish of spices and pepper. At seven and a quarter inches, with fifty-four ring gauge, the C8 may be the cigar event of the decade.