Foundry Cigars set the world on fire with their unique line of finely crafted cigars. Their blend of aged tobacco premium cigars take you on a journey into the unknown with tastes and flavors never experienced before. Foundry set the world on fire with the launch of their mild-medium gem the Chillin’ Moose, and their follow up in a real treasure. The subtly stronger Chillin? Moose Too series introduced the moose to Maduro cigar lovers of the world. A gorgeously dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf holds a premium blend of aged Nicaraguan tobacco which bring you a full-bodied smoke filled with rich sweet spice, cocoa, pepper, and vanilla flavors.
Foundry cigars were created by Michael Giannini of Team La Gloria Cubana/General Cigar. These cigars were created to be innovative, unique and creative. The Foundry Chilling Moose series of Cigars will take you on a journey into the unknown with tastes and flavors never experienced before. The chilling moose cigars feature the iconic and eponymous moose chilling on the box and individual cigar label.