History of Cuban Cigar Brands

History of Cuban Cigar Brands

LA LINEA CLASICA – Flavour: Medium to full
LA LINEA 1492 – Flavour: Medium
Cohiba was created in 1968 as Havana’s premier marque for diplomatic use only. From 1982 it was offered to the public in three sizes; Lanceros, Coronas Especiales and Panetelas. Three more sizes – Esplendidos, Robustos and Exquisitos – were added in 1989 to complete La Linea Clasica. Then in 1992 were announced: Siglo I, II, III, IV, and V.
Flavour: Medium to full
Introduced in 1935 by the H. Upmann factory, Montecristo appear first in just five sizes described by numbers not names. The other sizes like the “A” and Especiales were added in the early 1970’s. Montecristo’s distinct flavour delighted cigar smokers so much that it has reigned as the most popular Havana for over two decades.
Flavour: Medium
Founded by Alvarez y Garcia in 1875, Romeo y Julieta came into its own from 1903 when it was purchased by “Pepin”, Fernandez Rodriquez. He travelled widely, raced his horse Julieta all over Europe and produced the widest selection of personalised cigar bands for the celebrities of his day.
Flavour: Full
Simon Bolivar, one of the great romantic figures of the 19th century, liberated much of South America from Spanish rule. In 1901, seventy one years sfter his death, the Rocha company in Havana commemorated him on their cigars. It is perhaps not surprising that a brand named after such a powerful figure is blended to match his might.
Flavour: Medium
Don Manuel Lopez of J. Valle & Co founded Punch in 1840 with the British market in mind where the humourous magazine of the same name was much in vogue. A contented Mr Punch, cigar in hand, remains a feature on the labels if each box of these long-ppreciated medium strength cigars.
HOYO DE MONTERREY – Flavour: Medium
LE HOYO SERIES – Flavour: Medium to full
In the Vuelta Abajo village of San Juan y Marrtinez there stands a plantation gate inscribed “Hoyo de Monterrey. Jose Gener. 1860”, which reveals that Sr. Gener grew tobacco before founding his brand in 1865. The “Le Hoyo” series was introduced in the 1970’s in response to demands for a richer tasting cabinet range.
Flavour: Light
H. Upmann was a banker. He became so besotted with the cigars he received from Cuba that he moved to Havana in 1844 and set up both as banker and cigar maker. his bank soon closed but his cigars, each box of which still bears his signature, remain a fine example of an elegant light-flavour Havana.
Flavour: Full
In 1845 Don Jaime Partagas opened the doors of his famous factory at Industria 520, in Havana for the first time. His cigars have been made there ever since, except that is between 1987 and 1990 when it was closed for restoration. His much respected brand retains its rich blend of tabaccos.