Ferio Tego (4)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Connecticut (6)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Habano (4)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host (5)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Host Maduro (3)
Ferio Tego Metropolitan Maduro (6)
Ferio Tego Summa (4)
Ferio Tego Timeless Limited 10 Years (1)
Ferio Tego Timeless Panamericana (4)
Ferio Tego Timeless Prestige (6)
Ferio Tego Timeless Sterling (5)
Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme (4)
Ferio Tego
designed to sheer a signature style of balance and body while offering unique flavor profiles. Whether you’re a fan of more mild relaxing smokes, or full throttle strong-bodied smokes, Ferio Tego will have exactly what you’re looking for in a cigar.