Old Fashioned
are a mix of the top rated cigar from that particular region.
Old Fashioned Honduran cigars are seconds of the non-Cuban Hoya de Monterrey and Punch. These are two of the oldest premium cigar brands in the world. They both were established in Cuba and have long track records of being the best of the best.
The Dominican Old Fashioned Cigars are seconds of Partagas and Macanudo. The number of the Old Fashioned line gives light to which brand it is. If there are three numbers it’s a mild Macanudo. Usually, the number corresponds to the size, for example, the 749 is Macanudo Prince Phillip which has the dimensions 7” by 49. The lines with two numbers are bolder full-bodied Paratagas seconds.
Budget-savvy aficionados know Old Fashioned cigars are the go-to brand for quality value. Seconds and overruns have minimal blemishes and are of high quality like the firsts they were crafted to be.
Mike’s Cigars is the exclusive distributor for Old Fashioned cigars so we’ll get you the best deal. If all this sounds too good to believe try one and it will prove it!