For many cigar smokers diversity of smokes is important, for others it is confidence in the consistency and quality of their favorite brand. But when you want to experience the highest standards in cigar making, it’s excellence,? and distinction, you have to try Davidoff. With unquestionable integrity, expertice, and consistency, this brand stands out as a leader. With these samplers you have the opportunity to experience the full range of such excellence.
? Signature No. 2
? Signature 2000
? Signature 4000*
? Grand Cru No. 4*
? Grand Cru No. 2
? Aniversario Short Perfecto
? Aniversario Special R
? Anniversaries No. 3
? Aniversario Special T
? Millennium Petit Corona
? Millennium Robusto
? Millennium Piramides
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