Davidoff cigars have always been prized for their luxurious taste and construction. The Figurado Gift Selection is no exception, delivering rich tastes. Each one of the six sumptuous cigars is a phenomenal figurado hand-picked from Davidoff’s vast collection of flawless stogies. Each of the gift set’s six cigars was picked to offer the widest array of flavors and aromas, letting its smoker experience a symphony of toasted tobacco. With a lovely wooden, artisan box with white inlay at the base, the Davidoff Six Figurado Gift Selection is the ideal gift for serious smokers.
Cigars Included:
Davidoff Aniversario Short Perfecto
Davidoff Aniversario Special T
Davidoff Millenium Piramides
Davidoff Escurio Gran Perfecto
Davidoff Nicaragu Diadema
Davidoff Yamasa Piramides