The name Davidoff has long been synonymous with superior cigars and Nicaragua has become the go to location for superior spicy tobacco. With the release of the Davidoff Nicaraguan, Davidoff put a modern and spicy spin on the classic Davidoff White series.
A brainchild of cigar-master Henke Kelner, the Davidoff Nicaragua is a departure from their usually milder white label smokes. Featuring a 10 year old Nicaraguan Havana-seed Rosado wrapper, Jalapa binder and Esteli, Condega and Ometepe filler tobaccos all of which are aged for 10 years, to tame and refine the leaves. The result is an exotic spicy peppery smoke with an earthy rich aroma.
If you are looking for a cigar that celebrates the history of Davidoff, with the strength and spice of Nicaragua this cigar has your number. Not convinced? With its 95 rating and position on Cigar Aficionado?s best cigar of 2013 list, you?d have to be a fool not to give it a shot.
A brainchild of cigar-master Henke Kelner, the Davidoff Nicaragua is a departure from their usually milder white label smokes. Featuring a 10 year old Nicaraguan Havana-seed Rosado wrapper, Jalapa binder and Esteli, Condega and Ometepe filler tobaccos all of which are aged for 10 years, to tame and refine the leaves. The result is an exotic spicy peppery smoke with an earthy rich aroma.
If you are looking for a cigar that celebrates the history of Davidoff, with the strength and spice of Nicaragua this cigar has your number. Not convinced? With its 95 rating and position on Cigar Aficionado?s best cigar of 2013 list, you?d have to be a fool not to give it a shot.