The Don Pepin Garcia Original (Blue) is a skillfully crafted classic from the Garcia family. Pepin Garcia Blue Label is an all-Nicaraguan puro cigar, mixing Corojo and Criollo tobaccos. To create the Blue, Pepin employs a blend of 100% Nicaraguan tobacco. This robust mixture is made complete by utilizing a dark Nicaraguan Corojo wrapper. The cigar is full-bodied and full-flavored, boasting a rich, unprecedented bouquet of flavor with a variety of nuances. Don Pepin Blue Label cigars are a potent full-bodied, full-flavored gem produced by Don Pepin and his skilled staff of talented cigar rolling and blending experts. Momentous from start to finish and ultimately satisfying, Don Pepin Garcia Blue is a distinctive, well-balanced cigar. In addition to being named among the World?s Top 25 Cigars, Don Pepin Garcia Blue has received a well-deserved 93 and 92 rating since its release.