La Caoba is the Spanish name for one of
the world?s finest mahogany woods once grown only on Cuban soil. Today its one of Mail Cuban Cigars special
exclusive brands to honor the history of this long-forgotten Cuban brand and
offer modern cigar aficionados an opportunity to enjoy what were once Cuba?s
finest cigars. Like the great wines of France and other countries, the
enduring quality of the La Caoba Extra cigar is realized through the careful
blending of tobacco leaf and the precise, handmade creation of the final
product. To achieve this, only the finest tobaccos from Esteli in Nicaragua
and the Dominican Republic have been selected, fermented and carefully aged
in rum barrels to replicate the unique aromas of the past. The La Caoba Extra
cigars come in 20-count boxes where they have been aging for 22 months. Each
cigar is wrapped in breathable cellophane to assure it will continue to
mature and capture the sweet aromas of its Spanish cedar box. The La Caoba Extra
is judged to be medium in flavor, while in order to capture the original
craftsmanship of the once famous brand, the leaf and filler have been
carefully arranged to produce a smooth balance of flavors like ginger,
vanilla, cedar wood and chocolate, an easy draw, and a long creamy
finish.INCLUDESLa Caoba Extra Toro with Lighter