On the heels of the global success behind its Winston Churchill line, Davidoff Cigars announces the launch of a new Winston Churchill cigar range, ?The Late Hour?. Like other cigars in the Davidoff Winston Churchill line, they are inspired by Sir Winston Churchill – one of the most celebrated cigar lovers in history. Davidoff are excited to open the cigar aficionado?s world with new tastes and a rewarding experience with ?The Late Hour?: a complex and flavourful Scotch cask aged multi-origin cigar blend. It is a multi-origin blend with Nicaraguan tobacco aged in the finest Scotch single malt whisky casks, suffusing it with a unique complexity, depth and the headiest of flavours which combine to create a distinctive atmosphere, stimulating the palate and the conversation at the same time. To reflect the darkness during which Sir Winston was at his most creative, Davidoff has selected a shiny and oily ?Habano? Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate colour.